Friday, October 8, 2010

Frugal Fridays ~ Week of 10/4 Shopping Trip

Only shopped at Publix this week!  I spent $37.11 and saved $53.25!  This is a savings of 59%!

I want to note that the Old El Paso kits I bought were only .50 cents a piece.  I buy them just for the tortillas and taco shells inside, as the seasoning packets have MSG and we try to avoid that. .50 cents for 10 tortillas isn't bad!  

I think I definitely have some pasta to donate!  When it's .10-.20 cents a box, even if YOU don't need it, buy it to donate.  What the downturn the economy has taken, food pantries are really hurting.

Hope you got some awesome deals this week too!


  1. You did great this week! I always love to watch others snag a good bargain! :)

    Have a fabulous Sunday!

  2. What did you do with the leaves?

  3. 50 cents for 10 tortillas is an excellent price! I try get them at Walmart - the fajita size is 92 cents for 20 - but they're usually out of them.

    Thanks for stopping by Wednesday Weekly Shopping at Frugal Follies!
