Friday, April 15, 2011

Frugal Fridays ~ Week of 4/8

I am very happy with my totals this week.  I was able to score several organic items and still maintain good savings! :)

I wasn't able to get pictures of everything, but what I have will suffice.

CVS - Spent $5.75, saved $19.05

Publix - Spent $31.50, Saved $31.46  I was able to get organic yogurt, organic cereal, organic frozen raspberries - always makes me happy.

When I realized the deal I could get on yogurt, cereal, and fruit I went back a second time with more coupons!  Spent $5.26, Saved $23.68.  Who says coupons are only for junk food? 


  1. Wow! That's some impressive shopping.

  2. Good saves! I wish I could buy more organic stuff...maybe in Denmark.

    Good idea with the giveaway "you must be a follower to enter" - that's brilliant! I've got a giveaway prescheduled for the week I'm gone and may borrow that.
