Friday, August 27, 2010

The Art of Personal Notes

In the midst of an ever-increasing age of technology, the art of writing personal notes has faded.  We shoot a quick text message with a smiley face at the end to touch base with friends or we send a short email with a “Thanks!” instead of writing a thank you note.  While I for one think the technology we possess today is amazing, I also really appreciate handwritten notes arriving in my REAL mailbox!

My grandmother was a wonderful example to me in the importance of thank you notes.  Not only did she expect thank you notes, but she also wrote them.  My first thank you notes as a child were written to my grandmother and now I have developed a habit of making it a priority.  If a person took the time to pick out a gift for you, the least you can do in return is thank them.  I am certainly not perfect in this, as there are many times I THINK to write a thank you note but don’t.  Unfortunately, it is not the thought that counts in this situation.

Remember how you feel when you open your mailbox and see a card or letter from a friend.  Doesn’t it feel out of the ordinary and special?  It takes ten minutes to write a thoughtful note, address it, and place it in the mailbox.  You’d be surprised how much it blesses people.

The Pioneer Woman wrote a blog on the Foxy Blunt line of cards several months back. Have you ever seen these? Talk about some unique cards!

WARNING: Must have a lighthearted personality.

I'm sure you know someone you could give THIS card to...

a sweet note for your sweetie...
or not...

and a thoughtful thank you note...

Of course, you probably should stick to good 'ol Hallmark cards for your grandmother and for your friends that don't know how to laugh.  Better yet, don't have friends that don't know how to laugh, it's a drag. "Laughter on one's lips is a sign that the person down deep has a pretty good grasp of life."  ~Hugh Sidey

Happy Friday! Enjoy your weekend!

1 comment:

  1. WOW you have been at this blogging thing for a long time. I just wanted that your blog confirmed our thoughts about handwritten notes. Today we launched Tyler to Bible college in Alabama. Tim hid a HANDWRITTEN note in Tyler's bag. We got a text from Tyler thanking us for the note. Tomorrow its my turn to write my note to Tyler. Thanks for being old school. There were some things us baby boomers did right. :-)
