Monday, November 8, 2010


I've said this several times now, so hopefully by now you've clicked on over; do yourself a favor and visit Chatting At The Sky's 31 Days of Grace.  Inspiring, healing, and life giving. 

I wanted to share an exert of my favorite post of this series, a post which struck a chord of my heart in a powerful way.

She writes in this post about what grace is not.  About how there are some situations, where the extension of grace is not seen by continually subjecting yourself to someone's abuse, but by having the strength to let go. 

"Only God can judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. If he leads you to continue to pursue, then trust him with your heart. If he leads you do keep your distance, then grace gives you permission to do so. Either way, he is the keeper of your reputation. He is the source of your acceptance. Only he knows which way is appropriate for every situation." 

Read the rest here What incredible wisdom and truth. 

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